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 Post subject: War Forums And Special Ranks
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:41 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:11 am
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Location: United States

When an army starts ( 2 pple ) a MOD will cange the persons rank...

Chief of Command: creator of the army (only 1 person can be this rank)

2cd in Command: (2ic) rank right b4 CoC (only 1 person can be this rank)

Luitenent: rank just under 2cd in command/gets to this rank when a private gets promotted by the Chief of Command (only 3 pple can be this rank)

private: rank just above soldier gets prommoted (6 pple can be this)

soldier: starting rank ( no limit of pple can be this )


When the Chief of Command (CoC) wants to promote a person he will pm a MOD or a ADMIN about the person and then the MOD or ADMIN will change the persons rank to what the COC wants the persons rank to be .


To start a war 2 CoCs will agree to a war . only this way a war can start so new armys wont be attacked.each base has 1k hp and different things have different hp and can do different damage

each army will have a base and have a given amount of ammo

4 air attacks: 100 hp / can only be hit by heat seeking missles / does 70 damage each

3 tanks: 200 hp / can be hit by any kind of attack/ does 50 damage each missle/ has 5 missles each has 3 heat seeking / only tanks can fire heat seeking missles

1 battle ship: 350 hp / can be hit by any attack / does 100 damage each missle/ has 3 missles each , 4 torpedos ( can only hit subs does 50 damage )

3 submarines: 100 hp / can be hit by only torpedos / does 40 damage each torp. /
can only attack b-ships / has 3 torps. each

soldiers: 100 hp each can only be hit by tanks, other soldiers / has 20 heal bands that heal 5 each (can only use on self) / can do 10 each shot with shot-gun 20 with each shot with bazooka and do 1 with each shot from machine gun / nuber of soldiers depends on how many soldiers are on your army each soldier=10 game soldiers

shot-gun: 24 ammo

bazooka: 6 ammo

machine-gun: 70 ammo

The CoCs , 2ic , Luitenents , and the privates stay at the base and organize the attacks but only the CoC can ok the attacks


each war will have 5 battles if you win a battle (destroy the base) you get 1 battle point (b-point) , if you lose the war you will lose 1 b-point


ok there will be ONLY 1 SHOP TOPIC or the MODS might make a SHOP forum that no1 can post a new topic there. if another person makes a SHOP topic that is NOT a MOD or ADMIN that topic will be LOCKED or DELETED IMEDIATELY .
You can exchange your b-points for more ammo, weapons , etc.

Tank: 5 b-points
Tank ammo: 1 b-point each missle 2 b-points for each heat seeking missle

air attack: 7 b-points

B-ship: 12 b-points
B-ship ammo: 5 each missle 3 each torp.

submarine: 3 b-points
submarine ammo: 3 each torp.

machine-gun ammo: 1 b-point each 25 ammo

shot gun ammo: 1 b-point each 5 ammo

bazooka ammo: 1b-point each missle

 Post subject:
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:13 pm 
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I don't know what this is all about but I like it, so I won't delete this thread (exception Wink )

 Post subject:
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:15 pm 

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How do you attack eachother?

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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:44 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:11 am
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You can delete it if you want, the idea isn't fully completed. I'll let ya know when it is. Wink

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Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:27 pm 
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Laurent If i can have controll over ranks (unless i already do) i will run this idea

CelebsFun ROCKS

 Post subject:
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:54 am 

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